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Booty Call Anal Numbing Gel Mint by Little Genie

Regular price $6.95
Regular price Sale price $6.95



  1. Cooling and Refreshing Formula:

    • Booty Call is described as having a cooling and refreshing formula. This suggests a sensory experience that may enhance comfort during anal play.
  2. Anal Numbing Cream:

    • The primary function of Booty Call is to act as an anal numbing cream. This indicates a focus on reducing discomfort and anxiety associated with anal play.
  3. Muscle Relaxation:

    • The formulation is said to relax the muscles, contributing to greater comfort during anal activities. Muscle relaxation can facilitate a smoother and more enjoyable experience.
  4. Nerve Numbing:

    • In addition to muscle relaxation, the cream is designed to numb the nerves. This dual action aims to create a numbing effect, potentially reducing sensitivity for a more comfortable experience.
  5. Safe for Use with Toys:

    • The product is deemed safe for use with toys. This feature promotes versatility, allowing users to incorporate the cream into their anal play experiences with various accessories.
  6. Application Instructions:

    • Users are instructed to apply a dime-sized amount of cream to the anal opening and wait 3-5 minutes before engaging in anal play. Reapplication is recommended as needed, providing flexibility for users to tailor the experience to their preferences.
  7. Anxiety Reduction:

    • Booty Call is positioned as a solution to take the anxiety out of anal play. This suggests that the numbing effect aims to create a more relaxed and enjoyable experience.
  8. Focus on Pleasure:

    • The cream is designed to help users focus on the pleasure of the experience by addressing potential discomfort and anxiety associated with anal play.

Note: Booty Call Anal Numbing Cream appears to be tailored for individuals seeking a numbing effect to enhance comfort during anal play. The cooling and refreshing formula, coupled with muscle and nerve relaxation, aims to provide a more enjoyable experience, while the product's compatibility with toys adds versatility to its usage.

Pickup available at EDMONTON 3360 Parsons RD

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